Saturday, 15 December 2012

BlackBerry PORSCHE: Does It Really Worth That Price Compared To Nokia Lumia 920, iPhone 5 And Samsung Galaxy S III

Mobile industry is really improving and also developing very fast, But sometimes I wonder why some device won't just reduce in the price is recent found out that BlackBerry PORSCHE  is maintaining that same price or may have reduced but not to what  i expected it to reduce to.

Now Let Compare BlackBerry Porsche To Devices Like Nokia Lumia 920, iPhone 5 And Samsung Galaxy S III 

Samsung Galaxy S III
Samsung Galaxy S III vs balckberry Porsche P'9981
Samsung Galaxy S III has been the device in control of the Android world "to me" I don't know about you, This device Android system and the apps that can be used with this device are classical and seriously worth class, you can check out more on this device here description of the Samsung Galaxy S III

iPhone 5
iPhone 5 vs balckberry Porsche P'9981
Hmmmmn iPhone 5 is just wow!! Apple latest product iOS cycle which I call unique even though it looks like the other iphone 4, but can this  device be compared with BlackBerry Porsche? yes I need your reply and I will love to know what you think about it. For more check it out here

Nokia Lumia 920
Nokia Lumia 920 vs balckberry Porsche P'9981
Latest windows 8 phone which holding Microsoft operating system high, it was really a good combination of Microsoft and Nokia to form out this amazing product.
This does not worth more the N200,000 and people who have reviewed the product are saying the device worth the price especial when it comes the features. If you don't know the features of this device, check it out here Nokia Lumia 920 Specifications

After looking that these various Precious and Rocking devices in the mobile industry, do you think Blackberry Porsche worth to be more expensive than this devices?
If you have used the blackberry Porsche please tell us what so special about the device and why it should even rank more than other devices.

Please i will love to here your opinion please use the comment please.

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  1. yes!!! to me, blackberry porsche is too expensive, I still prefer Nokia Lumia

  2. Of Course, it’s expensive. I prefer iphone 5. I do not know why I just don’t feel anything special when blackberry release a new mobile. I feel like all are same.


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