Sunday, 2 December 2012

How To Increase Your 2go Star Progress Quickly

2go is now one of the leading chatting application both on Mobile and Pc, million of people get register on this 2go platform, the fun part of the 2go chatting application is if  you have a high star in 2go.
This 2go star means how matured or how used you are in 2go, everybody wants to get to the last and highest star which is the ultimate star. But normally we notice that when using 2go you if out that your 2go star progress is always slow which is normal if all you do is chat and nothing else.

There is a quick way to increase your 2go star progress easily without stress and get to the highest star in 2go which is the Ultimate star.

How To Increase Your 2go Star Progress Easily

2go invented the 2go star system to keep people glued to the platform which you have to do to increase your 2go star
  • Chatting very well with people
  • Try to be online for a very long time
  • If you can leave your 2go account over night and be online or away.
  • Upload and change pictures in  your 2go regularly
  • Make sure you use almost all the features the have such as buying themes, Go-credits, Joke and more
  • Make use of the chatrooms
  • Have lots of friends and chat to almost all of them as possible
After doing all these instructions stated above you will find out your 2go star progress increasing fast.

All 2go star Available

  1.  Novice
  2. Amateur
  3. Senior
  4. Enthusiast
  5. Professional
  6. Expert
  7. Leader
  8. Veteran
  9. Master
  10. the last 2go star is Ultimate 
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