Friday, 7 December 2012

How To Shorten URL Addresses Using Google Url Shortener Tool

Google are not letting go of every chance to become the ultimate in very thing the do, Google has a tool which shortens url addresses of blogs or websites and so on. Feedburners are they ones who use this service of shortening feed url address of a particular update when you make them or publish them on your blog or site.
how to shorten your url using google url shortener too

Feedburner can only do this for your feeds if you activate the option in your feedburner settings, this service are also be used to shorten url for any reasons, what you just need to do is to go to the site and paste the url or address of what you want to shorten and click the on the button "Shorten Url" and that just it.

How does it work.

Google Url shortener changes the long url address provided to a very little and short url in exchange, for example "" to "" always note that Google Url shortener always start it own short url by ""

Google URL Shortener Feature

Like I explained above, feedburner also uses this, it also saves all url shorten if login in to your Google account and keeps it and even if you are not using feedburner it also saves all url and the shortened url for future, so anytime you need it just go to the site and get it.
You will see all this when you are login in to your profile like how I did, you can also see the date and other url that was shortened by this Google url shortener

Visit for shortening your URL:

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