Blackberry smartphones has some will agree is a device originally meant for social media such as facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and of course BBM, but if you have noticed something about this device is that the battery of the device don't seem to last as expected, a fully charged battery can be down within 6 hours, all when you use the device. Actually some say it the fault of the manufacturers but I also noticed that this same battery problem continues to the latest products in the market so what going on, what can't Battery manufacturers get what wrong with the battery or what they are doing wrong. Hmmmmmn, but as they are still thinking about this problem i will share with you tips to make your Blackberry battery last longer.
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Tips To Make Your Blackberry Last Longer
1. Close Unnecessary Applications
Applications are one of the way that makes your Blackberry battery drain quickly, when you have lots of apps on and you are so busy jumping from one app to another, yes! I know that the fun of it but you have to consider the battery and sometimes the make your Blackberry phone generate heats and you will feel your hot when touching it. Just like if you are chatting on facebook and you are also tweeting and messaging on BBM it kills battery
2. Lock Your Blackberry Device
When you are not using your blackberry phone try as much as possible to keypad lock it, this small tip helps a lot because the percentage at which the battery of the phone is drain due to light that comes from the screen and keypad is high. So try as much as possible to stop that.
3. Switch Off Internet Network
You must be wondering why should you do that? but when you are on a journey and you want to preserve your Blackberry still you get to your destination you should switch off the internet nework as this will sustain your battery life in a long way and also when you are sleeping, try as much as possible to switch it off since you won't be messaging anyone on your social media while sleeping.
4. Don't Leave Your Camera On
Most Of us forget that your phones camera are on and end up putting it into our pockets and bags don't get used to this and in fact be cautious of this act as this kills your Blackberry life faster than you think.
These are what I use to keep my Blackberry battery in good shape and also make it last longer. you should give it a try and see how it works
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