Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Prices Of All Nokia Lumia 920, Lumia 900, Lumia 820, Lumia 800 And Lumia 720 Phones In Nigeria

Nokia just recently released a series of Lumia phones which comes with a windows operating system, the device which are Nokia Lumia 920, Lumia 900, Lumia 820, Lumia 800, Lumia 720, Lumia 610 and Lumia 510 I think we should expect more from Nokia in this series, you can never say. In this post I will share the prices of this Nokia Lumia devices in Nigeria which I will do my best to be updating. The prices of the Nokia lumia phones will be priced in Naira (N)

Also read: Prices Of All Samsung Galaxy Devices In Nigeria
                 Prices iPhone And iPad in Nigeria

1. Price Of Nokia Lumia 920 Phone In Nigeria

price of nokia lumia 920 in nigeria Nokia Lumia 920 Phones is the latest in the Nokia lumia series which has a lot of feature, not to forget that Nokia Lumia device is the device that has the wireless charging feature which is also new to the mobile world along with screen clarity.

What is the price of Nokia Lumia 920 in Nigeria?
The price of Nokia Lumia 920 is N 88,500

2. Price Of Nokia Lumia 900 Phone In Nigeria

price of Nokia lumia 900 in nigeria
As the name say it that Nokia Lumia 900 is still under Nokia lumia 920 when it has to do with features, it is also a touch screen, with a very good colour and picture clarity. It a very good device to have.

What is the price of Nokia Lumia 900 in Nigeria?
The price of Nokia Lumia 900 is N 87,000

Buy Lumia 900 at!

3. Price Of Nokia Lumia 820 Phone In Nigeria

A very good which have lots of features, Nokia Lumia 820 is very colourful and it also a touch screen device with lots of attractive colours to pick from.

What is the price of Nokia Lumia 820 in Nigeria?
The price of Nokia Lumia 820 is N 67,000

Buy Nokia Lumia 820 at!

4.  Price Of Nokia Lumia 800 Phone In Nigeria

 Nokia Lumia 800 is a great device which also have the same window operating system like others have and nice sim card slot, nice camera and very colourful like others.

What is the price of Nokia Lumia 800 in Nigeria?
The price of Nokia lumia 800 is N 50,000

5. Price Of Nokia Lumia 720 Phone In Nigeria

Nokia Lumia 720 which was one the phones that got me interested in the device before the higher device were released.

What the price of Nokia Lumia 720 in Nigeria?
The Price of Nokia Lumia 720 is N 46,000

These are the Nokia Lumia Phones which are popularly bought and are available in the market at the moment, Thanks for reading. Kindly drop a comment for me.


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