Saturday, 20 April 2013

6 Amazing Tips To Protect Your Smartphones From External And Internal Damages

Having a smartphone is a very cool and existing feeling but maintaining them is another issue, most people who buy and use trending smartphones will know that the device is very expensive and will require some level of protect from both external and internal forces, which is normal due to the cost of repairs or permanently losing the phones to this factors. 
How to protect your smartphone

When I say internal and external factors I mean internal factors such as viruses which are all over the place and external factors such as screen damage etc. In this post, I will share with you ways to protect your smartphones from damages

1. Handle And Use Carefully

  The way you use a your smartphone matters a lot, because when you cherish a brand new phone is different from the way you use a 2 year old phone. handle your device with care just don't drop it anyway such as the ground or the edge of a table, someone passing might not see the smartphone and end up stepping on it or the phone dropping from the  edge of the table it was placed.

2. Use a Case or Pouch For Your Phone

This is almost the first thing I do when I just buy a new phone, before leaving the  store I ask for a case or pouch which I can use to protect the body of the phone. No one is prefect, your phone will surely fall or drop one day but with the case and pouch the phone will be well secured because the force that which it hits the ground will be passed to the case or pouch and not the phone. So get a case or pouch if you don't have one now.

3. Use A Screen Protector To Protect the Screen

This is a must for devices which are touch screens or phones which are screen are very sensitive and even a normal screen phone, as you know, the screen protector protect the screen of the phone from external scratch, this is a thin sticky plastic placed on your screen and the thin plastic is transparent for those that don't know that. So if you are using touch screen smartphone this is mandatory.

4. Touch The Screen Easily

Yes, I know your phone is a touch screen phone but the screen was made to take a fix rate of pressure from your fingers, so do not think your touch screen phone can take any pressure place on the screen, so be careful the way you apply force to the phone as this help the screen from possible damage.

5. Get A Mobile Anti-virus

When I talked about internal factors which virus is one of them, as I know and You know you can find virus anywhere now, so one needs to be careful the way you associate your phone to other devices such as computers and also phones. Now you can download a mobile anti-virus to always keep your device in check and sometimes you can use your computer anti-virus to perform a scan on your memory card.

6. Clean The Phone Screen

Always clean the screen of your phone, especially touch screen phones because you will find lots of finger prints from you or other users of the device and if you don't clean it the dirt will keep compiling and you don't want that for your phone.

With the tips I have shared above your smartphone should be in good shape, if you follow this tips your smartphone should be fine and also maintain a high value. 


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