Wednesday, 15 May 2013

How To Change Text Size On Nokia Lumia 610, 510, 710 And 800 Phones

Nokia Lumia 800, 710, 610 and 510 are Nokia devices which use windows 7.5 as they operating system and the Nokia device tends to have a low font size especially when you want to read messages from your Nokia lumia device but you have to look very well before you can be able to read the messages on your device due to the font size of the device.
how to increase Nokia lumia 800, 710, 610, and 510 text size

I know a way you can do to actually enlarge or increase the size font of on Nokia Lumia 800, 710, 610 and 510 because they all use windows 7.5 so I don't think there is a way you can actually increase your or change text size of these devices from the settings section.

How To Increase The Text Size

But the way I want to share with you will help very well especially when you want to read messages and other that you can easily select and copy and after copying the text you want to actually read, go to word application on your phone and paste the text there and also increase the font for you to be able to read the text easily without disturbing your eyes reading the text.

I hope you have found a solution to your Nokia Lumia 800, 710, 610 and 510 font size problem? just try it and see how it works.

Your Turn

Did you find the post educative and what able to solve the problem? if you have another method that you use, gladly use the comment box and let us know about the way or method you actually use to solve your text size problem.


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